We provide high quality NHS care to conserve your dentition, ranging from simple fillings to crowns and dentures.
We believe that every patient should have their teeth checked at six or twelve month intervals to ensure that teeth, gums and mouth are as healthy as possible. Regular inspections and radiographs where required can often allow for trouble free dental care.
We provide high quality NHS care to conserve your dentition, ranging from simple fillings to crowns and dentures.
Urgent care
Between routine care our practice offers urgent appointments at less than 24 hours notice to ensure any dental pain or emergency is dealt with effectively. Please call our reception team at 8.45am
Oral cancer screening
Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth. Smoking, drinking and unhealthy diets increases risks of mouth cancer. With regular checks early detection and diagnosis can significantly improve the chances of treatment and recovery. At every routine examination our dentists will screen all patients for oral cancer.
Click here to view a video on mouth cancer
Children’s clinic
After school we have a dedicated children’s clinic which is tailored to making a child’s visit to the dentist enjoyable and care-free. We offer toothbrushing and diet advice in addition to preventative treatments such as fluoride varnish application and fissure sealing of new permanent teeth to prevent the formation of cavities.
Domiciliary visits
We are able to visit the patient in the comfort of their own home if they are unable to attend the practice.
Charges and eligibility
Current NHS charges are as follows:
- Band 1: £23.80
- Band 2: £65.20
- Band 3: £282.20
- Urgent Care: £23.80
Most patients are entitled to NHS dental care. You can get free NHS treatment or help towards your NHS treatment charges if you are:
- Under 18
- 18 and in full-time education
- Pregnant, or have had a baby in the 12 months before treatment starts
- A NHS inpatient and the treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist, or
- A NHS Hospital Dental Service outpatient. There may be a charge for dentures and bridges
You are also entitled to free NHS dental treatment if you as a claimant, partner (including civil partners) or dependent person under 20 , receive either:
- Income Support [incapacity benefit and disability] – Living Allowance does NOT count
- Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance – Contribution based does NOT count
- Pension Credit Guarantee Credit – Savings Credit on its own does NOT count
- Universal Credit and meets the criteria . Find out more at www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/UC
- You are named on, or entitled to (use your award notice as evidence) a NHS tax credit exemption certificate/card
- [You are not automatically entitled to free NHS dental treatment because you receive Tax Credits; there are qualifying conditions, please check at www.nhs.uk/healthcosts If you qualify you will be sent an exemption certificate/card, but if you don’t have one you can use the award notice as proof]
- You are named on a valid HC2 certificate
Partial help
If you are named on a valid HC3 certificate you might get some help towards the cost of your NHS dental treatment. The certificate tells you how much you will have to pay.